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European Exploration and Settlement

Ryan Taylor
US History
Chapter 2
People who travel to a territory or community in order to make converts to their religion.
A new settlement or territory established and governed by a country in another land.
People seeking a route to China by going around the southern tip of Africa.
These people were adventurers who captured and killed animals, such as beavers for their fur.
He was an Italian explorer from England, sailing from Newfoundland and Nova Scotia, off the coast of present-day Canada.
Completed four voyages across the Atlantic Ocean founding the "New World"
Europeans used this term for the land they discovered in America.
Spanish soldiers-explorers, especially those who conquered the native peoples of Mexico and Peru.
The daughter of a powerful Indian leader, brought food to the Jamestrown settlers helping them survive. She saved John Smith and married John Rolfe.
The treatment of people as property for the purpose of forcing them to do labor.
This is what the explorers were originally in search for when they discovered the Americas.
This was a colony in Virginia that was marshy and infested with malaria-carrying mosquitoes.
A Dutch colonist that settled near present-day Albany, New York.
Spanish missionaries worked to convert Native Americans to this religion.