The name of Miss Havisham's brother
The game Pip and Estella play at Miss Havishams
True or false: Miss Havisham was based upon a real person
With what does the convict stir his drink?
The color of Miss Havisham's clothes because they are so old
Type of dress Miss Havisham wears
The publication Dicken's worked at as editor
First name of actress with whom Dicken's fell in love
Dicken's first wife of 22 years
When Pip fights the boy in the garden and wins, what does Estella allow Pip to give her?
The type of terrain where the second convict was found
Pip receives a note telling him to meet Estella at this place
Handel is also known as this person
The number of children Dicken's had with his first wife
The person who taught Pip to read
Jagger's is this type of lawyer
All the clocks were stoped at twenty minutes until this hour in Miss Havisham's home
How many hundreds of pounds does Pip ask for Miss Havisham to give him?
For whom does Pip steal a pie?
The main form of execution in Victorian London
The name of the teacher who teaches Pip to read and write
Who's gravestones does Pip visit?
Place Great Expectations mainly occurs
Mr. Pocket pulls this when he gets upset
Name of Miss Havisham's house