Every time you get 100% on a spelling test, you get a __________ on your card.
You may not do this at any time in class because Mrs. M should always see your eyes.
This character trait is very important when it comes to doing your work.
This kind of language is offensive and is not allowed in our classroom.
If you have __________ work, you should check the board for post-its.
These are an important part of life and an important part of our classroom.
If you need to __________, raise your hand.
If you lose this letter, you will lose all of your tickets.
All __________ should last no longer than 2 minutes.
You should never do this when you are asked to do something.
When it is time to __________, make sure you write down your assignments in your planner, clean up around your desk, and stay in your seat until you are called.
You should have these ready every day before class begins.
This is what you will be marked as if you arrive at school later than 8:00 a.m.
When nobody loses a letter, the class gets a __________.
Name, date, subject, and assignment should all be part of your __________.
If you lose this letter, you will be suspended immediately.
When you're __________, check the bulletin board by the office to see what you can do.