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Taylor Buddendeck
Brandy Burgin
Miranda Ross
Glenda Villatoro
Aid in prevention
Is HIV passed through kissing?
Does everyone with HIV develop AIDS?
Is there a cure for HIV and AIDS?
Mode of transmission
must be worn during the care of all patients to prevent indirect and direct contact of body fluids
must be worn during the care of all patients to prevent indirect and direct contact of body fluids
Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
Every __ and a half minutes, someone in the U.S. is infected with HIV
Aid in prevention
The time between infection with the virus and the onset of symptoms ranges from a few months to ten years or more.
must be worn during the care of all patients to prevent indirect and direct contact of body fluids
Aid in prevention
Mode of transmission
Human Immunodeficiency Virus
Mode of transmission
Can an infected person spread the virus during the incubation period?