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Out Of My Mind Crossword

Rocks in the corner of room h-5 and is autistic.
What state is Melody from.
Was named after a song.
Was the coach of the whiz kidz.
Was the first person to ever visit melody after she came from the hospital.
Mean girl that was jealous about melody and had nothing nice to say about melody.
What school did melody go to?
Who called melody melly belly and was all ways there to cheer her up.
Was in room h-5 because she was disabled in a car accident.
The giant styrofoam snowman.
He recommended melody's mom to but her in a special facility so she wouldn't be a burden.
What was the first name of the moderator in regional?
What type of food does not cooperate with melody's dad's stomach.
Melody's last name.
Melody doesn't know if it used to be a squirrel or a monkey.
Was the first volunteer to do the inclusion classes.
Melody's sister
What was Melody's 8th b-day gift.
Was melody's 5th grade teacher and was very supportive towards her.
Melody got it at the carnival as a prize when she was 5 years old.
Was an baseball expert.
Melody's personal aid.
The oldest in room h-5.
Was in room h-5 and was huge, he was 9 years old, and he needed two aids to lift him.
First grade teacher.
Was all ways supporting Claire's bullying towards melody.
What color was melody's wheelchair?
Who was the teacher that found out that melody liked audio books.
She was in room h-5 and was very pretty and matched all he clothes.
Melody became friends with here in music class.