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All Things Ignatian

Where Ignatius dwelt in a cave
Northwestern region of Spain
_____ General is the global head of the Jesuits
Leaders in Service
Code of behavior for knight or gentleman
Coined the term "Men for Others"
Co-founder of Jesuits and name of college in Cincinnati
Cura _____ is Latin term for care of person
Interior freedom to choose that to which God is calling us
To do the more
Where Ignatius laid down his sword
Holy city
Rambler version of Grad@Grad
Where Ignatius was wounded
Textile art
Pair of animals on Ignatius' crest
Pejorative nickname for Society of Jesus
Mission endeavor of Jesuit
Step One in becoming a saint
___ of Christ, aka, The Pope
Spiritual ____ is a manual on how to make a retreat
Geographical division for Society of Jesus
Language of Scholars
Choosing between two goods
_____ of change goes forth and sets the world on fire
Official list
Surname of Pope Francis
Jesuit co-founder after whom no school is named in USA
Jesuit logo
For the Greater Glory of God
First step of the IPP
Ignatius' hometown