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Clinical Practice Guideline - Neck pain

Good test for patients with radiating symptoms
Aids clinicians in deciding about radiographs following trauma
This is probably impaired in individuals with chronic idiopathic neck pain
Rotation at C1-2 segment
Screen for this to rule out serious pathology
Neck pain with headaches
Common MOI for headache with movement coordination impairments
1 of 2 strongest risk factors for new onset of neck pain
Useful tool for prognosis
Strong evidence - One or more level I systematic reviews support the recommendation, providing evidence for a strong magnitude of effect
Number of categories for treatment-based classification of patients with neck pain
Clinical course for acute cervical radiculopathy
Use of these should be restricted to a limited time only
19th overall in global cause of disability-adjusted life years
Possible intervention for acute, subacute and chronic neck pain with mobility deficits