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Chapter 18 - Estate Planning

Disposition of a person's property by will
Gift of real property by a will
Maker of the trust
Testator gives specific property in a will but doesn't own it at death
______ power of attorney given to a person to make health decisions
Personal who receives real property from a will
Assets are not in a trust and can be distributed to a trust and become part of another's trust esate
A ____ will is entirely handwritten, dated and signed by the testator
Does not take place until specific events occur
A practice of law focused on unique concerns of people over 50
Supervision of an estate by an administrator
Property not liquidated and distributed in the form it came into the estate
Will spoken by a person in peril of imminent death
Personal property transferred by will
Single will made by two or more persons
Trust that cannot be revoked by the maker
Person or entity appointed by a person to administer the terms of the testator's will
Died with a will
Person to whom a legacy is given in a will
_____ power of attorney is given to another empowering them to act on behalf of the maker even if incapacitated
Amendment to add or delete provisions of a will
Also known as a Living will
Instrument making dispositions of his or her property
Person named to receive property in a will or trust
Administrates intestate estate
Trust created by two persons placing jointly held assets
A representative appointed by a court when named executor cannot or will not serve
Maker maintains some power while alive and competent, and can be amended or revoked
Died without a will