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General knowledge crossword-Jenna burbes

Branch of gov that makes laws
Contract that bound pilgrims to live in a civil socity with their own laws
If 18 and older you have thr right to
Law that has to do with private relatIons
Makes or passes federal laws
To make a small change in a legal document
Has 9 members
The husband of the 1st lady is also called the _______
To be legal in this country you need to have _______
Desides if soneone is guilty or innocent
System of law that has to do with the punishment of comitting a crime
Branch of gov that puts laws into effect
The first 10 amendments is considered the ________
Policy of a poltical party
Goverment restricted to the laws in the constitution
A legisative body
Person next in office if the president will not be able to
Blocking aciton of a bill
Sighing of a legal document
The 2nd _______ is the right to bear arms