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Informational Text Features

Summarize or Compare information.
Locate different categories in the text.
Combine text information with graphical aids.
Understand the sequence of time.
Set a purpose for reading, get an overview of the content.
Identify topics throughout the book as they skim and scan.
Understand exactly what something looks like.
Navigate through sections of text.
Signals the word is important and/or found in the glossary.
Understand a more detailed or simplified view of information.
Understand a picture or photograph.
Visualize an important concept.
Offers additional information.
Emphasize key points or concepts
Understand the word is important.
Combine text information with graphical aids.
Understand a complex sequence of movements or actions.
Visualize an important concept.
See everything in the text listed alphabetically, with page numbers.
Define words contained in the text.