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Disability Awareness Knowledge Check

Special appointing authority used to hire individuals with disabilities non competitively.
Strategy to prevent or minimize microaggressions
Recent regulations require Federal agencies to include this as a part of their affirmative employment effort.
A discretionary hiring authority that allows agencies to non-competitively appoint a qualified covered veteran to any position for which he or she is qualified up to a GS-11 or equivalent.
Assistance or changes to a position that enable a qualified person with a disability to do their job.
Special authorities allow for this type of appointment.
Discrimination can be due to an actual disability, a former disability (record), or because a person is ____________ as having a disability
Veterans who have a compensable service-connected disability of 30%of this percent or more and who meets the qualification requirements of the position can be s given a non-competitive appointment.
Addition to legal drugs may be considered to be this
Specific disabilities for emphasis in affirmative employment program planning,
Also referred to as implicit beliefs that affect our understanding, actions and decisions.
The law gives this group preference in Federal hiring.
This agency enforces non- discrimination in the public and private sectors
This assistive device should be treated as an extension of an individual's body.
Every Federal agency is required to have this with regard to employing individuals with disabilities
Accommodations are unreasonable when they create this..
How to speak to a hearing impaired person
Law prohibiting discrimination based on disability in the Federal government.
Design of products, devices, environments and services for people who experience disabilities.
A major life activity associated with mental disability.
Do not pet, feed or otherwise interact with one of these.
When an individual is treated unfairly in an employment decision based on disability.
A major life activity associated with communication.
Subtle acts that members of marginalized groups often experience negatively.
FDIC's goal is to increase workforce representation of individuals experiencing targeted disabilities to this percentage.
Suggested number of positive interactions needed to balance a negative one
Treat a wheel chair as this.
This agency is committed to being a model employer of individuals with disabilities