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Multiple Meaning Words To Know 1

Room or compartment for keeping money safe/to leap over something
A measure of distance of about 3 miles/ group of people with a common interest
Container with an open top that holds liquids/a baseball player who throws the ball
Where dead people are buried/ very serious
A fenced in area of land/combining two or more things
Worthless or useless things/Chinese sailing boat
To sew something using loose stitches/moisten by pouring juices over
Steep headland or cliff/to pretend or act like you know something you really don't know
The plural of ax (blade) or axis (line)
A tax or duty/to remove by cutting out
A ropelike or threadlike something/to leave in a difficult place
A game played by two teams/a jumping insect
A team race/to pass a message on
A place to tie up boats/ to cut off or deduct
Shape made by two lines that start at the same point