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Dental Radiology

Teacher: Dr. Bev
Negative electrode
Use this for partially edentulous patients on the bite block where the crowns of the missing teeth would have been.
Used to control the penetrating power of the x-ray beam
Anything that occupies space
Images that have been properly placed, exposed, and processed.
Full mouth survey
Used to describe the alignment of the central ray of the x-ray beam in the horizontal and vertical planes.
Fuzzy or blurred area that surrounds an area.
Used to produce all types of dental images
Couple charged device
Used only in a darkroom setting and is never exposed to x-rays
Also known as the image layer
The ability to do work
#4 film is used for ___
A ____ looks similar to the real object except that it appears on the opposite side of the film
Plastic or metal case that is used to hold the film and protect it from exposure light
Contains the master switch, indicator light, selector button, and exposure button.
____ refers to the amount of radiation that is required to produce a radiograph of standard density.