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Basic Hydrogeology Terminology Review

The permeability and porosity measurements in rock and/or soil can determine the amount of water that can flow through that particular medium. A “high” permeability and porosity value means that the water can travel very:
An _____ is a body of water-saturated sediment or rock in which water can move readily
The amount of pore space present in rock and soil is known as:
The pressure of the water is called the:
Porosity and permeability of the sediment, soil, and bedrock in the area also affects the ______ rate of the groundwater.
If the water is pressurized at a high enough value, when a well is drilled into the confining aquifer, water rises above the land surface. This is known as a flowing ______water well.
A _______ aquifer is an aquifer that has a confining layer that separates it from the land surface. This aquifer is filled with pressurized water.
An______ aquifer is an aquifer that is exposed to the surface of the land. Because this aquifer is in contact with land, it is impacted by meteoric water and any kind of surface contamination. There is not an impermeable layer to protect this aquifer.
In some areas, the bedrock has low permeability and porosity levels, yet groundwater can still travel in the aquifers. Groundwater can travel through fractures in the rock or through areas that are weathered. Limestone, for example, weathers in solution, creating underground cavities and cavern systems. At the land surface, these areas are known as:
The ability of fluids to travel through the rock or soil is known as:
The voids in the rock, created as limestone goes into solution, can cause collapses at land surface. These collapses are known as:
_______ is a lowering of the aquifer near a pumping well. This can occur in areas where the well is pumping faster than the groundwater aquifer is recharged.