Creatures from outer space threaten human life (Independence Day, Invasion of the Body Snatchers). (6)
Long movie whose plot covers many years and locations, and whose outcome affects both the protagonist and the whole world (Gladiator, Braveheart). (4)
The story of individuals against the backdrop of military conflict (Paths of Glory, Life is Beautiful). (3)
Something really bad happened, and we must survive (The Poseidon Adventure, Earthquake). (8)
Mostly Christmas movies, but also Thanksgiving, Easter, and more (Home Alone, A Christmas Story). (7)
Two men or two women embark on some challenge, testing or building their friendship (Thelma and Louise, Midnight Run). (5)
Life in the future isn’t so great (Hunger Games, The Matrix). (9)
Winning the trial also reveals something about the lawyers or defendant (A Few Good Men, Inherit the Wind). (9)
Heart-pounding movie based on the protagonist’s need to stay alive (North by Northwest, The Bourne Identity). (8)
Sometimes a drama, sometimes a comedy, always a love story (The Notebook, Some Like It Hot). (7)
Singing and dancing advance the plot, which often involves entertainers (Singin' in the Rain, Top Hat). (7)
Huge genre with lots of sub-genres, but always with the goal of making you laugh (A Night at the Opera, Grumpy Old Men). (6)
Stories about teams, games, and the relationships of players (Rocky, Remember the Titans). (6)