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Citizenship Test: 1-100

He freed the slaves
Wrote Poor Richard's Alamanac
One of the longest rivers in the US
This war was fought from 1950-1953
The number of original colonies
The colonists arose against the British because of high _____
We declared this on July 4, 1776
Our flag has 50 of them
This freedom is guaranteed in the First Amendment
One of the 13 original states
One of the authors of the Federalist Papers
George Washington is the ____ of our country
The month that the Declaration of Independence was signed
The number of states
Native American Indian tribe
The judicial branch does this to laws
This was written in 1787
The US has a free-_____ economy
She worked for rights for women, prisoners, and the mentally handicapped
A flag
The Constitution has 27 of these
Only the federal government can make and sign these
He wrote the Declaration of Independence
The last war fought in the 1900's was the ____ Gulf War
People who fought or died in US wars or served in the military
What the president's cabinet does for him
This war was fought in the 1800's
Only the federal government can print this
Only a US citizen has the right to do this
What a new citizen promises to do for the Constitution
The US bought the Louisiana Territory from them in 1803