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Solar Eclipse

16. How many US States would be able to view in “totality” the 2017 total solar eclipse?
5. Maximum number of solar eclipses that can occur during a calendar year?
6. In the upcoming 2017 Solar Eclipse, which direction will the moon be moving across the sun?
15. The safest way to observe a solar eclipse is to wear protective________________
14. When the last bits of sunlight pass through the valleys on the moon’s limb, and the faint corona around the sun is just becoming visible, this is called the ________________
4. What is the correct alignment during a solar eclipse?
2. The sun’s outer atmosphere is called….
An __________ solar eclipse happens when the Moon covers the Sun’s center, leaving the Sun’s visible outer edges to form a “ring of fire”
1. Astronomical event occurring on Monday, August 21st?
9. The same pattern of solar eclipses will repeat every 18 years 11 days 8 hours, this is known as the…
11. The shadow cast by the moon onto earth during totality in 2017 will be how wide?
10. What is the average duration of “totality” in a solar eclipse?
8. ___________ is the eclipse lingo that refers to the amount of time the sun is entirely covered by the moon.
3. It is essential that you protect your______ when viewing an eclipse
13. What is the minimum number of solar eclipses that can occur during a calendar year?
7. Solar eclipses always occur on….