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Civics Lesson 26

SS 111
an argument, once held up by the Supreme Court, but later reversed, saying that different public facilities for blacks and whites were constitutional if they were of equal quality
treating individuals unfairly because of their race, national origin, citizenship status, or gender; prohibits laws that unreasonably and unfairly favor some groups over others; states that laws may not unfairly discriminate against persons
the separation or isolation of a race, class, or ethnic group from the rest of society
to refuse to buy from or deal with a store or a company as an act of protest
this law ended segregation in public places including, restaurants, movie theaters and hotels; also stated that employers could not discriminate against people because of their race, national origin, religion or gender
common laws in the South from 1877 until the 1950's that required African Americans to use separate schools and other public facilities and that prevented them from exercising their right to vote