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The Harding Wolf Pack

The number of reward outtings each year.
The saying: '_______ the pack.'
An example of an additional reward/incentive for positive behavior.
This student has an unexcused absence and got a referral during the week. He/she may be rated ________.
You must complete this many community service hours as part of the pledge process.
This many hours of the required community service must be completed at Harding.
A requirement in the pledge process, and a way to give back to the community.
Reward opportunities each quarter for positive wolfack members.
School work that is completed at home.
Like any great leader, we expect Harding Wolfpack members to have a positive _______ on school culture.
When someone briefly calls attention to an unwanted behavior, requesting that they turn it around.
As a part of wolfpack you are expected to be positive, if you can't manage this, you may be placed on _______.
Either Positive or Not Positive.
This student has been to school every day, has worked hard in class, and has had no behavior issues. He/she may be rated ________.
Within the wolfpack, this is an opportunity to work at other schools dances and/or other events.
When an adult has a prolonged conversation with a student around skill building or behavior, they are providing an _______.
An additional opportunity to have even more leadership within the wolfpack, and possibly have an effect on the school building.
You must complete this writing assignment as part of the pledge process.
A positive leadership club here at Harding.
As a member of wolfpack, you are expected to be a ________, by displaying positive behavior for others to see.
If you make a bad choice or a mistake, you are expected to ____ that mistake, and learn from it.
The saying: '_____ not hurt.'