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Types of Encephalopathy

Wernicke, Uremic, Traumatic, Toxic, Static, Septic, Prion, Metabolic, Lyme, Hypoxic, Hypertensive, HIV, Hepatic, Hashimoto, Glycine, Epileptic, Encephalopathy, Bovinespongiform
Infected ticks transmit causing this type of encephalopathy
Frequent complication of severe sepsis
Frequently occurs in the ICU setting and can be caused by renal or hepatic failure, sepsis, electrolyte imbalances or ETOX
A type of encephalopathy also known as mad cow disease
Result from extremely high blood pressure
A type caused by liver failure
A result of kidney failure
A type caused by liver failure
Not enough oxygen to the brain
Hallmark definition of altered mental status
Multiple traumas or injuries to the brain, many professional football players have had this
Permanent brain damage or dysfunction, lack of oxygen to the brain, such as when a fetus is exposed to ETOH
Found in patients with Ohtahara Syndrome
A result of vitamin B1 deficiency, alcoholism and poor food intake
Rate effect of an autoimmune disease that attacks the thyroid gland
Genetic condition of abnormally high glycine in the brain
Type of encephalopathy found in HIV patients