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LPW Basic Information

Creation of autonomous production teams who provide an optimal, stable production process, as basis for a production on world class level
Plan of a pillars teams measuring their progress against the pillars initial plan
Closed loop of meetings that uses KPIs to identify and eliminate recurring issues
Group tasked with reducing customer complaints by eliminating product defects
The decision-making process coordinator group, in charge of the KPI results and of the teamwork targets achievement
Chart that measures a pillar or teams progress through their route against their plan
Group tasked with reducing unplanned downtime including Breakdowns and Shortstops
The process through which "losses" are analysed from the macro to the micro level in order to identify problems and to plan improvement actions
A way to measure the performance of a plant
Group tasked with reducing man & method related losses
Group tasked with reducing the number of accidents
Group tasked with reducing machine and labor productivity losses including changeovers and speed loss