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Breakthrough Practice

A ______ practice begins with prayer based on a vow for kosen-rufu
Definition of "myo" from myoho
Meaning "devotion or dedication to"
Potentials in the inner, unconscious realm of life created through one's actions in the past or present that manifest themselves as results in the present or future
One way to help spread Buddhism to others is to show actual _____ within your own life
The core practice of Nichiren Buddhism is to _____ Nam-myoho-renge-kyo
Prayer in Nichiren Buddhism means to chant daimoku based on a pledge or ____
Chanting activates your dormant ______ nature
______ is the movement to communicate the highest principle of peace to people throughout the world through the teaching of Nichiren.
______ and complaining are the principal gateways to ambiguous, elusive doubt and disbelief
Definition of "ho" from myoho
Meaning "sutra" or "teaching"