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Handy Prayers Review

Worrying doesn't make tomorrow better; it ruins _____.
Salt adds flavor but also _______.
Jesus invites each of us to ______ Him.
Jesus called His _________ His friends.
One of the groups of people we pray for, using our ring finger as a reminder.
"You are the ____ of the world."
"You are the salt of the _____."
Solomon prayed for this, so he could be a good leader.
I was the father of Solomon.
The Lord's Prayer was given to us as part of the Sermon on the _____.
My pinkie finger reminds me to pray for this person.
Our daily finger _______ are reminders of those we should pray for each day.
Acts of ________ hold things together just as paper clips and safety pins do.
"Whatever you did for the _____ of these, My brothers and sisters, you did for Me."
Because I know Our Father takes good care of me, I won't _____.
One of the groups of people we pray for, using our tall finger as a reminder.
Teachers, doctors and nurses come to mind when we think of this finger.
My family comes to mind when I use this finger.
"From now on you will ____ for people."
_____ Prayers is a tool we can use all our lives.