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To propose an individual for office
The largest number of votes given a candidate when three or more are running for office
Been recognized by the chair
Refer to a committee
Person making the it does not have to be recorded in the minutes
Minimum number to legally conduct business
Orders an immediate vote of a motion (if adopted)
Order of business
Permits a motion or request relating to the rights of members to be brought up for immediate vote
Can be ordered by the chair or a majority vote of the assembly
A vote of silent agreement without any objection
Can raise hands or stand to be counted
Relevant to the question at hand
Members stand to be counted when 2/3 vote is needed
A short intermission
Basic rules governing an organization
By right of office
Committee established for a particular purpose
Discussion of a motion
A proposal to take a particular action
Granted to the executive committee to make decisions on behalf of the membership
The presiding officer
Should be listed in the by-laws and is ongoing
More than half of the votes cast
Priority in rank
Small pause in the meeting to collaborate without objection
A form of amendment
Correct according to parliamentary procedures
To allow someone to speak from the floor
A person authorized to vote for another
To open a session