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Pain August 2017

A score of 2 (Crying steadily, screams or sobs, frequent complaints) is part of which pain assessment scale that can be used for children ages 2-7 or non-verbal adult patients
This does not indicate a lack of pain
These techniques for pain management include the following examples; guided imagery, distraction or application of heat or ice.
Use this pain assessment tool for an ICU patient unable to self report
Receiving opioid analgesics may place a patient at risk for addiction, physical dependence or .........
A patient's ability to concentrated does this during periods of intense pain
A "Comfort........Goal" is identified by the patient
These are commonly associated with which response to mild to moderate pain: pallor, elevated blood pressure, dilated pupils, skeletal muscles tension, dyspnea, tachycardia and diaphoresis.
Comprehensive pain assessment utilizes an assessment tool and verbal descriptions. This can help with pain assessment
------ pain scale may be used for children ages 3 and over.
The number of minutes you must reassess pain within following an active intervention.