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Chapter 11 -- Litigation

Fee agreement for a percentage of an amount obtained in negotiation or litigation with another party
The party in a case against whom an appeal is taken
Pleading filed by a defendant that asserts a claim against another defendant arising out of the same action as the original complaint
Witness or person being deposed
Sometimes referred to as "style," which is the title of the case, including the name of the court, the names of the parties and the court number
Injured party in a litigation case; one who claims or asserts a right
Questioning of a party by opposing counsel
When a party fails to appear or respond to a petition or complaint, a default ____ can be granted to opposing party.
The original pleadings by which an action is filed in court
A request by a plaintiff or defendant to a judge that a prospective juror not be allowed to be a member of the jury because of specified causes or reasons
The term used to describe the status of litigation when the complaint and a responsive pleading have been filed
____________ privilege protects confidential communications, oral or written, between the attorney and a client in the course of the professional relationship that cannot be disclosed without the consent of the client
______ to state a claim is an affirmative defense that alleges that the plaintiff didn't sate a claim that the court can require the defendant to satisfy
A set amount covering all work to be done
Questioning of a party to litigation conducted by the party's counsel is ________ examination
Entry of _____ is formal entry of attorney into a case, presented in the form of a pleading
Argument or summary presented by each party to a case that gives the jury reasons to find in the party's favor
Refers to postponement of a court date to a later date
The party who takes an appeal from one court or jurisdiction to another
Claim presented by a defendant in opposition to or for deduction from the claim of plaintiff
Person or entity defending or denying a suit; party against whom recovery is sought or the accused in a criminal case
A proceeding brought to a higher court to review a lower courts decision
Required by many court listing the parties, type of action, and other information related to the case that may be administratively useful to the court
Testimony of a witness or a party taken under oath outside the courtroom
Defense to the plaintiff's complaint raised in the defendant's answer
Assigned to a new case and used on all pleading and documents filed in a case
Process by which a party to a lawsuit is entitled to obtain facts, documents, and information about the case
An _________ to a pleading to correct in regard to facts which existed at the time of the original pleading was filed
Numbered paragraphs setting forth the background and reasons for filing a suit
A jury that cannot reach a verdict and which results in a mistrial
Trial by judge, rather than a jury