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Water Resources Key Terms

the percentage of total volume of a rock or sediment that consists of open spaces (pores)
an area of the earth Earth’s surface from which water percolates down into the aquifer
all the bodies of fresh water, salt water, ice or snow found above ground; some example are lakes, streams, and wetlands.
a flowing network of rivers and streams draining a river basin
the level where water travels beneath the Earth’s surface and eventually getting to where rocks and soil are completely saturated with water. In wet regions it may be at the Earth’s surface or in desert it may be hundreds of meters beneath the earth’s surface
the water that is beneath the Earth’s surface
the ability of a rock or sediment to let fluids such as water pass through its open spaces or pores
a hole dug or drilled to reach groundwater
the area of land that is drained by a river
a body of rock or sediments that stores groundwater and allows the flow of groundwater