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Lean Six Sigma

One of the 8 types of waste
Six Sigma uses ____ to quantity the impact of inputs on the output
Lean is aimed at creating ____ losses
Main deliverable of this phase is a list of Root Causes
Takes into account the 1.5 sigma shift in the process is __-term sigma level
Describes the shape of the curve
Invented the PDCA cycle
Main deliverable of this phase is the proved solution
Main deliverable of this phase is the project charter
Main deliverable of this phase is the focused problem statement
Father of lean manufacturing
The number one reason six sigma fails is from a lack of _____ support
Invented the bell-shaped curve
Quality means conformance to
Eliminates repeaters and special cause
A Fail-safe device
Prevention not
In a six sigma process, how many standard deviations fits on each side of the mean without exceeding the customer's specification
Invented the fishbone diagram
Main deliverable of this phase is standards
The true yield of the process
Provides the position of the bell curve
A six sigma process has a CPK of____
Invented control charts/SPC
OEE stands for Overall ____ effectiveness
The average of the averages
The Quality performance standard is _____ defects
A Japanese word that means waste
Invented the PDSA cycle