A union or group of three.
A Greek teem meaning "flesh, fleshy, of the flesh."
A Greek prefix meaning "within, inner, absorbing, or containing".
Of, relating to, subject to, or regulated by the will.
(Two Words) situated or taking place within, or administered into, a muscle.
Strong area joining the muscles in the calf of the leg to the bone of the heel.
A cellular organelle of eukaryotes that is essential to cell functions (as reproduction and protein synthesis), is composed of nuclear sap and a nucleoprotein-rich network from which chromosomes and nucleoli arise, and is enclosed in a definite membrane.
A minute groove, scratch, or channel especially when one of a parallel series, any of the alternate dark and light cross bands of a myofibril of striated muscle.
(Two Words) The endoplasmic reticulum of cardiac muscle and skeletal striated muscle that functions especially as a storage and release area for calcium.
The enlargement of an organ or tissue from the increase in size of its cells.
Forming or being a colony with a flat shiny surface usually made up of organisms that form no chains or filaments, show characteristic internal changes, and tend toward marked increase in capsule formation and virulence—used of dissociated strains of bacteria; compared to rough.
(Two Words) A cutting or piece of something cut off at right angles to an axis, especially used with tissue samples on slides.
A hollow muscular organ that pumps the blood through the circulatory system by rhythmic contraction and dilation. In vertebrates there may be up to four chambers (as in humans), with two atria and two ventricles.
(Acronym) Abbreviation for Adenosine Triphosphate, a small molecule used in cells as a coenzyme, often referred to as the "molecular unit of currency" of intracellular energy transfer.
Medical term relating to the heart.
The thin transparent homogeneous sheath enclosing a striated muscle fiber.
The delicate connective tissue surrounding the individual muscular fibers within the smallest bundles.
A body tissue consisting of long cells that contract when stimulated and produce motion.
A small or slender bundle (as of pine needles or nerve fibers).
The external connective-tissue sheath of a muscle.