Nerve that innervates the bisceps branchii and the brachialis.
Nerve that innervates the brachioradialis and triceps branchii.
The biceps are a powerful _______.
Rotator cuff muscle that slows down the pitch in baseball, it adducts and laterally rotates the arm.
The rhomboid major originates in the ____ process of T2-T5.
The extensor carpi radialis _____ abducts the hand.
The triceps branchiis heads are called the lateral head, medial head and ____ head.
_____ dorsi a broad triangular muscle located on the inferior part of the back.
The Extensor extends the wrist and the 2nd and 5th MP joints.
_____ major and minor are located deep to the trapezius.
Nerve that innervates the Trapezius.
The trapezius and rhomboids are _____.
The biceps branhii have long head and a ___ head.
Nerve that innervates the tres minor.
Muscle that extends the forearm and has three heads: medial lateral and medial head.
The flexor carpi ulnaris _____ the wrist and adducts the hand.
Thick powerful muscle that functions as a prime abductor of the arm and forms the rounded contour of the shoulder.
Also called a prime mover, a muscle that contracts to product a particular movement, such as extending the forearm.
The ____ subscapular nerve innervates the rhomboid major and rhomboid minor.
The tres _____ extends, adducts, and medial rotates arm.
The less moveable attachment of the muscle