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north 2

His accent changes if you get him mad or he has a couple of beers.
Winds forced to go around mountains and blows towards low pressure
Joined the Navy because he liked hot bunking
This will cause backing winds with height
It is the temperature to which air must be cooled at constant pressure and water content to reach saturation.
Cooling less than the moist adiabat
Bend, Corvallis and Albany are cites in this state.
CAPE starts here
If the altimeter is 29.80 and your elevation is 500ft what is your PA
Highest peak in the Cascades.
Computed by figuring the square root of your CAPE that has been doubled.
This type of microburst has evaporation inside and below the storm
The point where no more heat can be removed from a system.
Gonzaga plays its home games here
The wind velocity whose Coriolis force exactly balances a locally accelerating geostrophic wind.
This north location is closest to the London Bridge.
the ratio of the partial pressure of water vapor to the equilibrium vapor pressure of water at a given temperature.
This site is located in the Willamette Valley
When pressure goes up, volume goes down PV=C
Base named after famous explorer