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Ear and Mastoid Process July

Created by Kandi Hendrix
These canals are 3 tubes that look somewhat at right angles to one another & connect back to one another.
The air cells are connected to the middle ear through an air filled cavity called this ( 2 words)
Sound ______ consist of small pressure flectuations in the air
The ear is divided into how many sections?
Also called the eustatian tube. ( 2 words, no space)
Severe dizziness
Also called the central canal or cochlear duct
(2 words no blanks) Cone shaped bony prominence projecting from the undersurface of the temporal bone behind the ear.
This disease is an abnormality of the inner ear that usually affects only one side. it causes unpredictable attacks of symptoms such as vertigo, and tinnitus.
The most common benign ear tumor
Codes for diseases of the ear require _______.
An infection or inflammation of the tympanic membraine
One of the 3 ossicles in the ear. It is shaped like a stirrup.
One of the 3 ossicles in the ear connected to the TM
Any impairment of the organ of Corti or it's connection causes _________hearing loss
Considered the main auditory portion of the ear.
(2 words,no space) Located at the end of the external ear canal at the bottom of the external auditory meatus.
Also known as the auricle
The inner ear is actually helping to push and pull the ______ in the directions needs to compensate for head movement.
The ossicle that transfers sound