In the Great Migration, who migrated?
This trial was about evolution
This type of journalism was prevalent in at the turn of the 20th Century where stories were embellished and sometimes not even true
Last name of the first African American baseball player in the Major Leagues
Ford _______ Nixon and many people were very angry that he did it.
Where did FDR hold his chats?
This word means an easing of Cold War Tensions. Nixon practiced this with China
Name of the satellite that the Soviets successfully launched in 1957
The War Powers Resolution attempted to limit the power of the __________
The last name of the woman who wrote The Silent Spring which started the environmental movement
The Russians closed off all transportation and supply lines to West Berlin so Truman initiated the ________ _______ which delivered food, fuel and other supplies for over a year.
This conference, in 1945, was between the US, the Soviet Union and Great Britain to discuss the post WWII world
After the US entered WWII, FDR ordered the _________ of many Japanese Americans on the West Coast
Roe v. Wade was decided in 1973. This case was about _________
This note was written to the Mexicans from the Germans but intercepted by the British
__________ took a lot of the factory jobs during WWII when the men went off to war
Last name of the President at the start of the Great Depression
Although it was clear that the US would eventually enter WWII, many Americans wanted to remain _____________