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Chapter 15

Step 3 of clinical supervision. The supervisor leaves the classroom of the observation and studies information recorded.
This process includes identifying the problem, generating and weighing alternative actions. selecting appropriate actions, and planning follow-up to assess the results.
Demonstrating a new teaching model or method for teachers requesting assistance.
The supervisor or expert peer and the teacher seeking assistance together can plan, teach, and evaluate a lesson.
Teachers helping teachers through clinical supervision.
Direct assistance provided by an experienced teacher to a beginning teacher.
A way of observing a teacher's instruction and long-term professional development
Step 4 of clinical supervision. The stage in which the principle is ready to meet with teacher to share observation data and analysis in order to create a plan for instructional improvement.
2nd step of clinical supervision. This is the time to follow through with the understanding of the pre-conference and the purpose is to write down a description of what is happening.
1st step of Clinical Supervision. The supervision sits with the teacher and determines goals and form of observation that will be completed
Last step for clinical supervision. This is the time for reviewing whether the format and procedures of the pre and post conference were satisfactory and whether revisions might be needed.