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The Presidency

A formal accusation of misconduct in office against a public official
The view that an elected representative should act on his or her own best judgement of what public policy requires
The view that an elected represent should represent the opinions of his or her constituents
Several presidential assistants report directly to the president
A person still in office after he or she has lost a bid for reelection
Several task forces, committees, and informal groups of friends and advisers deal directly with the president
The same party controls the White House and both houses of Congress
The power of an executive to veto some provisions in an appropriations bill while approving others
The authority of congress to block a presidential action after it has taken place
A group of presidential advisers that includes the heads of the fifteen major executive departments
A bill fails to become law because the president did not sign it within ten days of receiving it and congress adjourns within that time
The fringe benefits of holding an office
One party controls the White House and a different party controls one or both houses of Congress
Most presidential assistants report through a hierarchy to the presidents chief of staff
The presidents formal explanation when legislation is returned to congress
A bill fails to become law because the president did not sign it within ten days of receiving it and congress adjourns within that time