The only president to resign from office was ____________
This is the last name of the man who wrote Common Sense
This theory argued that if one nation fell to communism, others would soon follow
This president ignored the Supreme Court and removed the Native Americans from their land
This is the process by which Nixon proposed to give back the primary responssability for fighting the Vietnam war to the Vietnamese.
The don't ask don't tell policy about gays in the military was during the administration of which president?
This is a way that the House of Representatives officially accuses the President of high crimes and misdemeanors
The president is not actually elected by the people but by the _______ _______
This branch of government can declare war
Last name of the man in the case that decided that seperate but equal was ok
The main job of the Executive branch is to _______ or carry out the law
This book was written by Rachel Carson about the environment
Traditionally, there are _____ justices on the Supreme Court even though there are currently 8
This branch has 100 members
After this failed operation, JFK famously said that "victory has a hundred fathers but defeat is an orphan
This is a process in the Senate where members will talk and delay indefinitely to try to modify or stop a bill from becoming law
The __________ Compromise resulted in two chambers of the legislature
The main job of the Supreme Court is to _____ the law
This is a name that we give the president at the end his second term -- primarily because he cannot be reelected
This chamber of congress has the power to approve nominations by the president for the Supreme Court and Cabinet positions