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The Heat is On

On both sunny and cloudy days use a _________ with an SPF 15
When applying spray on sunscreen/bug spray it MUST be applied ________
Thirst, dry or sticky mouth, headache, muscle cramping, irritability, extreme fatigue, weakness, dizziness or decreased performance are signs of
_________ shoes are the best shoe option for summer outdoor fun
Children and staff should ______ appropriately for weather conditions
When a child shows signs of heat stress place a _______ wet cloth on their skin
This helps prevent children from breathing in ___ _____ pesticides through the aerosol particles
Children should be taken indoors when thunder is ________.
To prevent dehydration, kids should drink ________ ounces of fluid 30 minutes before an activity begins
Plan outdoor activities to avoid _____ ___ hours
Children should be allowed to _____ ___ ____ after outdoor play
Children over the age of ____ should be able to apply sunscreen to their bodies with teacher visually supervising
Reapply sunscreen every two hours and after .......
Keep babies younger than ___ months out of direct sunlight
________ does provide relief from the heat, but it offers a false sense of security about UVR protection.