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"You can really see that the water is terrible-looking. It looks like _______with skim milk," said Loblue.
Brown Algae poses no health risk to humans but is lethal to ___________.
Brown algae also have been blamed for the demise of the largest bay ________ fishery on the East Coast in the Peconic Estuary.
Hard clam __________ have been decimated by the brown algae.
Professor Gobler and his team of researchers regularly _______ and track various water-quality indicators on Long Island.
Brown Algal blooms,known as Brown Tide, occurred in 2000 and 2008 and killed shellfish and ________.
Nitrogen comes from ________ and septic systems and gets into the water.
A unit for cell density is cells per _________.
Recent brown tide outbreaks is just another reason why there is increased efforts to remove _________ leaching in to the water in Suffolk County.
An algal bloom is measured by its cell ________.