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Jesus rose conquering sin, death, hell, the devil and the bondage of shame so that we could live in freedom, love and abundance in our identity IN
The Gospel is the greatest message and gift we can offer the world because it cost God his very own
Kindness, patience, trust, good attitudes, using the gifts and talents you were born with are all gifts we give to others and to the LORD by how we live
The Good News is also called The
What Jesus "took" from us through forgiveness when we repented
Jesus left Heaven to be fully God and fully man and save his people from their sins
Time and compassion, understanding and listening are rare gifts that true friends give freely but often at great cost to their selves
Gratefulness to God can also be called
Greatest gift God gave us
The Bible teaches us that the Blood of Jesus shed on the cross was important. His blood is the power to cleanses the sinner from sin
Friendships God's way accept the worst but believe the best all the time praying for change as God leads for the loved one for their own good
Jesus is coming back
Jesus poured out all he had for us so we could have all we needed to go to heaven
When we love someone we want to GIVE to them
All have done this
God's Riches At Christ's Expense is often called
Forgiveness of sins can only be truly given by God through Jesus by the atonement He accomplished on the
When we love someone we want to stand with them in their hurts and sorrows and love them through the bad times
That whosoever
Not perish but have everlasting
Jesus "gave" to us His Life so we could have a new
JESUS ROSE, this is reason to
God so loved us that He sent Jesus to die to save us from our sins and give us
The Good News starts with bad news in that we must admit we are sinners that need saved by a
Jesus said you must be Born
Prayer is a gift that touches heaven and brings God's answers
For God so