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Plate tectonics

Christian Wojdyla
Earths outer layer of rock
Breaks in the crust along which rocks move
Narrow deep regions of the ocean floor at the edges of the plates
Ships bounce sound waves off ocean bottom
Sliding of one plate under another
Melted rock
The vent and the mountain that forms around lava
Soil that has a mix of sand, silt, and clay
"all lands"
Runs along the crust of the mid-ocean ridge
Underneath the lithosphere
When water soaks sands and pebbles
A vibration of the ground caused b release of energy
Moving sections that lithosphere is made up of
Formed from limestone or dolomite quartzite formed from sand stone
A solid rock except for the part next to the crust
The remains, imprints,or traces of living things
Center part of the earth
Magma that reaches the surface
Seismic sea waves
The force that causes materials to move downward
Huge bodies of moving ice
Very top part of the upper mantle