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Horror Unit Review

Common Latin word literally meaning “he/she leaves"
Underground cemetery
Repetition of Vowel Sounds: napping, tapping, rapping
The type of “Bell” that represented death
One meaning of a stone would be a “weapon”
Hints for the reader to predict future events
Montresor cannot be trusted
Pattern of Stressed/Unstressed rhythm in “The Raven"
Dictionary definition of a word
This tool foreshadows Fortunato’s end
Latin word literally meaning “to throw in between”
Month the speaker met “The Raven”
Latin word literally meaning ‘to drag down”
Mute assistant who helps in hunting
End Rhyme Scheme of “The Raven”
The crop grown in the village where “The Lottery” took place
A fancy word for “an expensive wine”
“’Doubtless,’ said I, ‘what it utters is Its only stock and store’”
Another word for tomb, where Annabel lies
Narrator blames these for death of Annabel Lee