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126-4-Plans B-V Residence

Wall cabinets are shown on floor plans with _____lines.
The standard depth for wall cabinets is _____inches.
The light size of a window refers to the size of_____.
The_____ is the highest point of a gable roof.
A(n) _____ plan shows the location of the house on a lot.
Electrical wall outlets must be spaced no more than _____apart, measured along the wall.
Roof_____ are notched to lit over the top plate.
The first number in a window notation indicates the_____ of the glass.
A(n) _____switch controls lights from two locations.
A brick-_____ building is essentially a frame building covered with brick.
A section is made by passing a cutting _____ through an object.
The standard depth for base cabinets is_____inches.
The furred-down area above kitchen cabinets is the_____.