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Infection Control E.P.

Test 4
Low blood sugar
Care that seeks to improve the quality of life by reducing suffering.
Process of growing older.
People who are vulnerable because of physical limitations or a life stage.
When massage should be postponed.
Extreme tiredness.
Sudden disruption of blood flow to the heart muscle.
Agent capable of causing infectious disease.
Triggered by loud noises, flashing lights or stress.
Inability to perform a major life activity
Group of principles and practices to preserve health.
Loss of hearing.
Bathing, Washing, ingesting food prepared with contaminated water.
Process of providing first and immediate responses during health or medical situations.
Individuals 70 and older.
Techniques to create a nurturing and bonding between parent or caregiver.
Early form of breast milk.
A burning sensation in the chest.
Hormone that increases flexibility of the pelvic girdle.
Persistent high blood pressure with protein in the urine.
Oils such as almond, olive oil and safflower oil.
Surgical procedure to remove the fetus through the abdominal wall.
Events that start with implantation and ends in birth
Most popular nonlatex glove
Brain attack or cerebrovascular accident.
Inflammation of the vein with formation of blood clots.