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When you take something without asking the owner.
When you don't really know what is going on around you because you are strung out on drugs.
When you are knocked out but you can still breath and here but cannot move.
A piece of paper given to you by the police when you break a law.
Another name for crystal meth.
A type of drug that most people believe to lead you into doing more hardcore drugs.
Otherwise known as hitman.
A group of people who perform music to a crowd.
A place where u go when you are hurt or have an illness.
When the police take you to the station after an illegal act.
A six stringed instrument usually made out of wood.
A whit powdery illegal substance that can be injected, snorted or smoked.
When you drive over the speed limit by a measurable margin.
A sharp pointy weapon that is illegal to own without a permit.
When you borrow money from the bank and must pay it back.
An amount of money you have to pay to get someone out of jail.
Illegal substances taken for medical reasons or used for recreation.
A 30 day time period where drug addicts must stay clean and are under close surveillance.
When you stop breathing and your heart stops beating.
When you owe money to the bank.