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All American Boys # 4 (pp. 102-162)

What did Quinn want to see after Marc Blair beat him up?
EJ said, "Guilty until proven ___________" (Kiley).
What name did Molly and EJ repeat in Ms. Webber's class?
Who got reprimanded when Molly was talking to EJ?
What type of class did Ms. Webber want on Monday?
What did Jill say about the salad at Burger King?
What did the boys not do when Rashad joked about the cops messing his groove up on Friday night?
What was Rashad's passion?
Why were the football fans yelling?
When Rashad showed Clarissa a completed piece of his artwork, he described it as, "The image was of ______________ of soldiers" (Reynolds).
What did Jill call Quinn because he was obsessed with the video?
Who was Quinn avoiding at school?
To what cartoon character did the boys compare Tiffany?
"How are cops supposed to do their jobs if they're always under the _________" (Kiely)
"I forgot all about that. Paulie killed that guy. Not literally. But it was bad. I hadn't actually seen it. But I'd seen the ____________" (Kiely).
Where did Rashad go when he left his hospital room and met Shirley Fitzgerald?
What made Quinn's stomach churn?
Who did Carlos lie about hooking up with on Friday night?
Who was English avoiding at school?
Why did Carlos ask for a drumroll?
What shape did Rashad frame his art in because of his obsession with Family Circus?
What did Quinn think marshmallows tasted like?
Of whom was Quinn reminded when he thought about Rashad in his ROTC uniform?
What simile is used to describe the players commitment to the word team?
What funny remark did Rashad's friends make upon entry into the hospital room?
What happened to the video of Rashad being beaten by Paul?
Who was the one person Quinn decided to concentrate on at the BBQ?
Where did Marc Blair put Quinn's face after he called him an asshole one too many times?
What word did Quinn use to describe how he was feeling on Monday at school?
What did Paul pull over Quinn's mom when she was drunk and he carried her to her couch?
Quinn describes his feelings at the Gulluzzo's BBQ... "...I felt oddly slow and ________, like I was wading through a pool of water" (Kiely)
According to Quinn, of what were white people afraid?
What flashback did Quinn have that reminded him about Paul's past?
At practice, Coach said, "But you got to block out the _______" (Kiely)
What did Quinn do with his phone because of the all the texts he was receiving?
"And while I kept seeing Paul's __________ arms at the back of Rashad's neck, nobody else seemed to be wondering about why the Galluzzos felt the sudden need for a party" (Kiely)
What did Quinn flash at English during trig?