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AP Human Crossword 2

a map based on a particular characteristic or theme
Farming system that relies heavily on purchased inputs and which products are sold
Internal models or representations of an area or an environment developed by an individual on the basis of info or impressions received , interpreted and stored
The number of people supportable within a given area
Uses sensors to detect earth related incidents and provide info about them
The viewpoint provided by late 19th century and early 20th century French geographer Paul de la Blanc
The representation of any any part of our 3D earth on a 2D surface
Used to describe such centers of innovation and invention from which clusters of key culture traits and elements moved to exert or influence on surrounding regions
What happens when a persons culture is changed due to influences on a different culture
A language used for business or trade purposes between people who do not share the same language
Negative home conditions that impel the decision to migrate
The statistical study of human population in its concern with spatial analysis location, density, pattern and relationship to the physical environment
A region that is unified by an economic, political, or social service