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English 2 Semester 2 Exam Review

Describes items or events in order or tells the steps to follow to do something or make something
Character struggles with thoughts and emotions
Tells about a problem then gives one or more possible solutions
Process by which writer reveals the personality of a character
A topic, idea person, place, or thing described by listing its features, characteristics and examples
When the main character faces a series of conflicts
Beginning of the story where characters and setting are introduced
Events leading to the end of the story
Struggle within a character
Author tells audience what the personality of the character is
End of the story
Happens outside character
Most exciting part of story
Shows how 2 or more things are alike and different
Characters against each other
Struggle against weather, climate, animals
Organizes info in order of time
Struggle against town/culture
Struggle between two opposing forces
Cause is why something happened. Effect is what happened
Shows things that reveal the personality of a character