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Cows are sacred in the Hindu religion and cannot be killed. Once a cow stops providing milk they are often released and the community is responsible for feeding her. Cows roam all over Nepal, even in the busy city of Kathmandu. Many people have water buffalo for milk, manure and meat.
Nepal is in South Asia between China and India.
Namaste is the standard greeting in Nepal. It can mean Hello, Good Bye, Thank You but translates to “I salute the God in you.” People put their palms together and then bow their forehead, and say “Namaste."
The Nepal flag is the only national flag that is not quadrilateral in shape. It is made of two triangles. The triangles are said to represent Hinduism and Buddhism. They also represent the Himalayan Mountains.
The tallest mountain in the world is in Nepal, called Mount Everest
The Himalayan Mountain range goes through Nepal
Nepali is the chief or official language. There are many ethnic groups in Nepal and they speak hundreds of different languages. Not accents, but languages. Sometimes Nepali people can't communicate as they speak different languages.