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Western Diamondback Rattlesnake

This animal is not afraid to kill a Diamondback.
A Diamondback is covered in these.
The shape of the Diamondback's head.
What Diamondbacks do during the winter months.
The Diamondback injects this deadly toxin into its prey.
These are protected with clear skin that sheds when the Diamondback sheds its skin.
The Diamondback's habitat.
These are hollow and fold up when the Diamondback closes its mouth.
This is made of the same keratin as our fingernails.
A Diamondback uses this to help him smell things nearby.
This is the pattern on the skin of a Diamondback.
This is another word for a Diamondback rattlesnake.
A Diamondback rattlesnake is this kind of blooded animal.
A favorite food of the Diamondback rattlesnake