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number the stars

Dane Kieschnick
Reading 6-1
What is the name of Annamarie's little sister.
Who had belongings in the blue box?
Who did the people help escape to Sweden?
The name of the group of people who fought the Nazis.
What is a Jewish church called?
Who invaded Denmark?
Annamarie's friend is ___.
What did Annamarie bring to Uncle Henrik?
What did Annamarie's mother injure on her body?
What country did the Nazis come from?
God of Thunder was the name of a ____.
Who was hit by a car?
Where did Annamarie live?
Ellen had a neclace with the star of ____.
What kind of soldier stopped Annamarie?
A Nazi symbol is called a ____.
Ellen's last name was ____.
What kind of dolls did Annamarie and her sister have?
Who was in the resistance?
Who was killed when caught exporting Jews?